
This news page focuses on news local to Coventry Diocese Mothers' Union. For news on Mothers' Union activities worldwide, please also visit the central Mothers' Union website or subscribe to the Mothers' Union free eNewsletter.

For a complete list of upcoming events, please see Diary page.

Also, for further news, see Karen's MU Coventry News Bulletin November 2024


quiet day poster

President's Challenge Form

Here is the Diocesan President's Challenge Form together with an expense form should you have receipts/invoices that need reimbursing. 

You may already be working on an initiative or thinking about one leading up to the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based violence or Christmas. 

Please remember the DP Challenge provides an opportunity for targeted outreach within your local parish/community setting as well as providing an opportunity for members to put their faith into action. By organising a fundraising event towards the MU General Diocesan Fund, this will help subsidise the overall cost and if we want more people to ‘Join Us and Join In!’ we must raise the profile of MU by sharing our good news stories within our churches and local communities.  

Illiteracy Doesn't Make Sense

illiteracy campaign


8th September was International Literacy Day and Mothers' Union are delighted to launch our new campaign: Empower Her Literacy.

Did you know that over 480 million around the world are illiterate? 

Millions of women who can’t register the birth of their child, read a medicine packet or apply for a job.

In a world where technology and instant communication are everywhere, it doesn’t make sense that millions of women are illiterate. Being illiterate makes it harder to make sense of the world. 

Illiteracy doesn’t make sense!

Join our campaign.

Members' Day May 2024

Members Day


Thank you to St John’s Kenilworth for hosting Members Day in May 2024 and to everyone who participated. It was a great day!

Christine Rutherford gave a very interesting talk on Charlotte Yonge, the novelist and early supporter of Mary Sumner. Paul Morris talked to us about supporting homeless in Coventry. Helping those in need both then and now!



If you have any news that you would like to share, please send text and pictures to webmaster Sue.


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