
This news page focuses on news local to Coventry Diocese Mothers' Union. For news on Mothers' Union activities worldwide, please also visit the central Mothers' Union website or subscribe to the Mothers' Union free eNewsletter.

For a complete list of upcoming events, please see Diary page.

Also, for further news, see the Mothers’ Union Coventry News Bulletin June 2024 and MSH Update May 2024


quiet day






Also, if you want to print this flyer for display, you can download the pdf here.

Members' Day

Members Day


Thank you to St John’s Kenilworth for hosting Members Day in May 2024 and to everyone who participated. It was a great day!

Christine Rutherford gave a very interesting talk on Charlotte Yonge, the novelist and early supporter of Mary Sumner. Paul Morris talked to us about supporting homeless in Coventry. Helping those in need both then and now!


Support Paula in Supporting AFIA

PaulaLeek Wootton Diocesan Member Paula Waters will be running in the London Marathon on Sunday 21st of April and has chosen Mothers’ Union as her charity.

Paula is specifically supporting two long-term MU projects that are enabled and funded by members:

1. The MU Coventry 'Away From It All' (AFIA) holidays, breaks, and trips programme for families in the Coventry and Warwickshire area. This programme provides a much-needed break for those who may be experiencing stress or difficulties in their family life. AFIA offers precious time for families to spend together away from their home situations, engage in activities together, and simply have fun. Many families have experienced healing in their relationships by spending quality time with each other through this programme.

2. The MU Central Literacy and Savings Programmes in Burundi. This programme focuses on empowering women through training facilitators to lead local women's literacy and financial education initiatives. The impact of this programme has been remarkable - it has brought about gender equality, increased participation of women in decision-making processes, and transformed families' lives. As a result of these programmes, 78% of families can now afford higher education for their children, while 96% can afford health insurance.

You can donate to Paula's JustGiving page by clicking here


Nuneaton Deanery Candlemas Service


Nuneaton Deanery enjoyed a morning of worship and fellowship at their annual Candlemas Service on Saturday 3rd February at St Mary's, Fillongley in their lovely new hall. Thank you to Reverend Steve for leading the service. The service was followed by a 'bring your own' lunch and hot beverages and cakes.

Advent Service

We enjoyed a wonderful Diocese of Coventry Advent Service at the Cathedral. Gifts for Onley prison were blessed, members were enrolled, the new MU Diocesan stole was blessed and presented, Lynda gave us "Reflections from a Donkey" and Liz reflected on the importance of waiting. For those who were not able to attend or who simply want to enjoy it again, Liz has kindly given us permission to publish her sermon thank you Liz.

Advent serviceAdvent Service

#16 Days of Activism awareness Campaign of Gender-based Violence.

Rise Up display

As part of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, Mothers’ Union is once again engaging in the campaign to raise awareness. Globally, a women or girl dies at the hands of an intimate partner or family member every 11 minutes.

Several Mothers' Union branches are displaying a "Souls of their Shoes" exhibition and/or a red chair and/or purple love heart bunting to emphasise the no more 1 in 3 message. This display is at St John's Kenilworth.

We are grateful to Emily Brailsford, Mothers’ Union Domestic Abuse Manager, for her Zoom talk on the Mothers’ Union new initiative the ‘Rise Up Challenge’. Emily spoke movingly about the myths and facts that surround domestic abuse, with the clear message"anyone can be a victim of domestic abuse" and to not to make assumptions within our churches or local communities.



If you have any news that you would like to share, please send text and pictures to webmaster Sue.


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