Link Up
Link Up is a bi-annual publication for all members of Coventry Diocese. All members will receive this in May and October. It is usually distributed to branch leaders at Members Evening in May and Members’ Day in October. If you do not receive a copy, please let the office know.
Please send all articles and pictures for submission to Link Up to Felicity at
Constitution for Coventry Diocese
Using photographs of children and adults
Written permission must be sought from children’s parent/legal guardian before photographs including children can appear in any printed publication. Specific permission must always be given before any photograph can be used on the Website or Facebook.
When photographing adults please ask permission first; do not photograph people who do not wish to be photographed. Permission must be given before any photograph can appear in any printed publication, on the Website or Facebook.
MU Trustee Code of Conduct Policy
General Data Protection Regulation Policy
Mothers' Union Coventry Overseas Links Policy Document
Mothers' Union Coventry Diocese Fundraising Policy
Branch Leaders' Pack
Speakers List
Branch Leaders should all have received a recent copy of "Speakers and talks available for Branch Meetings". Due to GDPR, it cannot be displayed in its entirety on the website and so please contact us if you have not received one.
You can also see a copy of the speakers list with names and contact details omitted here.
The speakers list always changing and so if you find that someone on the speakers list is no longer able to speak, please inform Heather Greaves.
Speakers Expenses
Both Mothers’ Union commissioned speakers and external speakers can claim reasonable expenses from the Diocese.
It is suggested that branch leaders/contacts are to send an expense form in advance to external speakers prior to their talk, who in turn should give it to the branch leader/contact, on the day they give their talk, who will then check it, sign it and return to Gary Askew, Treasurer by email ( or to the MU office for processing. It will then be authorised for payment by the DP/VP.
Mothers' Union Membership and Subscriptions
Subscriptions for 2024 are detailed in Karen's letter, "MU Subscription Letter 2024".
Existing members, except for Indoor Members, should all be paying their subscriptions by direct debit to reduce the diocesan administration costs.
New, existing or lapsed members who have not yet signed up for direct debit can sign up at
If you have already set up a direct debit, your membership will renew automatically without you needing to do anything more.
If you are paying by BACs and not Direct Debit the details are as follows:
Account Name: Mothers’ Union Coventry Diocese
Sort code: 40-52-40
Account Number: 00017109
Bank name (for information purposes only) is CAF Bank Limited.
A Membership Form should be completed for all new members.
If a paper copy of a direct debit mandate is required, please print this printable direct debit mandate. Please send the paper copy of this direct debit to the Diocesan Finance Administrator.
Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer, MU is able to reclaim any tax paid on your membership subscriptions and donations if you complete a Gift Aid Declaration.
Gift Aid declarations should be sent to Nigel Hawke.